Return To Work

Our McPhillips location offers this additional and important program

D’Arcy Bain Physiotherapy has been a provider of physiotherapy services for over 30 years. We have maintained a reputation of commitment to providing the highest quality and most advanced services possible. Our 100-2200 McPhillips location offers an additional and important program called ‘Return To Work’, along with our other services including physiotherapy, laser therapy and massage therapy.


If you would like to discuss a client that may benefit from our Return To Work Program, have any questions or would like to arrange a site visit, please do not hesitate to contact our program manager at 204-694-2337. We can provide prompt intake assessments upon referral, usually within 24-48 hours.


• Ed Zwingerman, Physiotherapist, PGAP Certified
• Kim Shaw, Physiotherapist, PGAP Certified, Therapeutic Yoga Instructor

1. Philosophy and Introduction

  • This material is based on courses and literature from multiple sources.
  • Program material based on courses presented by
    David Butler – Sensitive nervous system
  • Pain and True Brain
    Lorimer Mosely – Master
  • Pain Education
    Neil Pearson – Pain Science and Recovery Neurobiology and Innovative treatment for people in pain.
    Bahram Jam – The Pain Truth….and Nothing But
    Dr. Michael Sullivan – PGAP Training

Some material and ideas have been taken with approval from the Understanding Pain Booklet produced by Dr. L. Mosely and David Butler.

  • Philosophy

Part of recovery from an injury may include issues with persistent pain.

Our program’s philosophy is to enhance the patients’ understanding of pain physiology and how modern principles of self-management and a cognitive approach will enhance their functional recovery. We attempt to ease the fear and anxiety around pain and how being active and positive will help control or manage the pain.

2. Components:

  • Purpose of pain, definition, and why pain persists
  • Is the pain all in my mind? Factors that can contribute to pain, phantom limb pain.
  • What can you do about it?
  • Healthy habits
    • Essential
    • Breathing
    • Water
    • Food/Nutrition
    • Sleep
    • Sun/Vitamin D
    • Joy/Happiness


3. Structure:

  • The Pain Education Program is conducted on a one on one or maximum one to four ratio.
  • The program will be one hour long. The program will be one or two sessions depending on the individual.