Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP)


PGAP can best be described as a life-role reintegration program. Within PGAP, disability is viewed as a condition that prevents individuals from participating in many of the life-role activities that characterized the individual’s day-to-day life prior to illness or injury. The goal is to identify any life roles that have been disrupted, and assist the individual in resuming his or her participation in these life-role activities.

PGAP was designed specifically to target the psychosocial risk factors that have been shown to contribute to disability. Research shows that psychosocial factors are often the primary determinants of disability. However, unlike most psychosocial interventions, in PGAP psychosocial risk factors are targeted through the use of strategic activity involvement as opposed of psychotherapeutic intervention.

Symptom reduction is not an objective of PGAP. Rather, PGAP aims to assist individuals in resuming their occupational involvement. Return to work is positioned as a central objective of PGAP because return to work is the highest level of independence that we can offer our clients. Since return to work is achieved through progressive reintegration in life-role activities, no client fails at PGAP. Even for the client who is unable to return to work, life-role resumption will nevertheless contribute to the client’s quality of life.

PGAP is a standardized intervention consisting of a maximum of ten weekly sessions between a client and a PGAP provider.